Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's been such a long time..

I haven't blogged in like 16 days!!

I'm just going to say what's on my mind...

I'm in one of those moods where you are about to chew your hand off because you've got nothing better to do and you're extremely bored. When I say bored... I mean BORED. Earlier, I blew up a balloon and drew the world map on it... well tried to. I watched little kid shows with Bryson and he kept shouting "Wow Wow Wubzy" monotonously. To top off the boredom, I had no food in the house... PEOPLE EAT WHEN THEY'RE BORED... so that made it even more boring!

So last night, I learned how to play Free Fallin' on the guitar when I was at Bobby's house. We listened to Drake and Jonathan's new CD and tried to imagine ourselves being that good. This morning was good too. I woke up early, but I was well-rested because the bed's in the Browning household are heavenly, and then saw Martha for a little bit... which was fun.

I'm currently trying to watch The Office and blog at the same time... it's not working out so well. I get into the blog and I miss important parts to the show. NOT COOL. But that's all I really have to say tonight... unless I think of something later.

Goodnight, all!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just to clear things up

To those who have asked me about it today...

Yes, that WAS my sister in the paper today and you've all probably read why. If you haven't, just ask me. Don't keep wondering and talking about it with people who don't really know the story. I only ask that you pray for her as well as my family.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why not start now?

Everyone else seems to be blogging so I, with the help of Michael Lotts, have decided to post one myself.

The hot blog topic for this week seems to be the kind where I say what I think about my friends and you try to figure out who you are.

Here goes...

1. Things between us seem different but I think they will go back to normal and even better very soon... maybe within the next 5 hours. I will always be there for you, love our friendship, and cherish the memories of hanging out and busting it out on the dance floor. No matter what... NEVER THINK I'M MAD AT YOU, I'll tell you if I am, I promise. I love you and you are the reason I am at Ebenezer. (If you don't know who you are, think... just think)

2. You have turned into a great role model in the ways of Christ as well as life itself. You have also become a great friend. You are a lot of fun to hang out with and yes, we've had a couple of awkward moments but they were all in good fun. I wish you the best of luck with your future dream career, if I am ever hurt and in the hospital, I'll request you. Just in case you don't know who you are, here are a few words that have become famous with you and me: DIIIISSGUSTINGGG, peanut M&Ms, eye balls, nurse, free fallin', mmm grande mocha frap, and all of the yankee accented words we've talked about.

3. You are an amazing "cousin". We have both experienced much awkardness (is that a word?) during the past few months. I love you and I am always here for you. What great CHEMISTRY we've had as family members and what great stories we've been able to tell... from our cousin Ralphie, to our uncle Shoemaker. Please don't change.

4. You are the LITTLE brother I never had. I love you so much man, you're hilarious, fun, and terrific. I know we haven't hung out in a while but things have been crazy on both ends.

5. You have also become a great friend this year. I loved our little heart to heart at church last week... even if Cole and Jimmy did walk in.

6. I am glad that we have had a class together this quarter. I know it'll only get more fun as the quarter is not over yet. Your boyfriend is pretty fly too.

7. Boyfriend to number 6, you're a beast at advice, you're hilarious, and just an all around great guy. I enjoyed all of our long conversations on Facebook and hopefully they'll keep going.

8. Things have been difficult in the last month, I understand what you're going through. Just keep that smile on and things will continue to get better. I'm very proud of you for making it through the last couple weeks and trusting in God through it all.

That's all I've got right now but I promise there will be more to come soon.