Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Excuse me, Mrs. Busybody

Hello hello hello my friends, it has been days since I have posted a blog, and I apologize for not blogging last night, I was very tired.  

Last Thursday, I said I would talk about the weekend in the mountains and I will.  

It all started on Friday at 11:50 a.m.; Drake and I got to my house around noon and we threw the frisbee for about an hour and then we left Florence around 2:00.  The ride was not too bad at all, it was only about a two and a half hour drive.  We stopped at two rest stops on the way and we threw the frisbee again.  Once we got to Uwharrie, North Carolina (the camp site), we set up camp and went exploring in the woods.  We walked up and down a small creek that ran parallel to the camp site and then went fishing.  We pretty much just took it easy on Friday and fished until about midnight.  

Saturday was an eventful day, we fished, explored more, hiked, hunted snakes, went rock crawling, and acted stupid the whole day, it was so much fun.  On Sunday, we woke up early, packed up camp and headed home.  I was exhausted by that time so I took a nap, woke up at 8 p.m. and then went back to sleep an hour later.  

Yesterday was a decent day, nothing out of the ordinary.  Today was alright too.  I hope tomorrow is a good day, if we have school that is (broken air conditioner).  I will be back soon with another post.  

Later guys!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The week is coming to a close... tomorrow

Thursday April 23, 2009

Lord, thank You for giving us weekends.  They give us a time to rest, relax, have fun, and just be lazy.  Let us find the time each day to pray and spend time with You.  Give us the power to change the lives of those around us.  
In Your Name.

Today was a great day, I'm pretty sure I made a 100 on the chemistry test.  Second block was boring but not too bad.  I am going to start bringing in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to class every day because I get very hungry in second block.  John brings two every day so I think I should join the revolution.  

I really do NOT have much to say tonight, and I will not be blogging this weekend because I will be away on a trip in the mountains of North Carolina with a good friend of mine.  That will give me time to think about Sunday night's blog.  Plus, I'll probably be talking about the trip so it should be a long one.

I really cannot think of anything else to talk about so I will be back on here Sunday night!  Have a great and relaxing weekend, be safe, have fun, go to church, smile, and most importantly... PRAY.

Night guys.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Howdy guys

Wednesday April 22, 2009

Hey guys, I would like to do something differently tonight. I am thinking about opening every blog with a prayer. I know it is unusual but hey, it's a prayer. People should pray more!

Heavenly Father, thank You for all You have given us. Thanks so much for our families, friends, pets, a chance to be educated, and for giving us the chance to live. After all You have given us, we still continue to ask You to bless us and You have already provided us with everything we will every need; we cannot ask for more. We just pray for the continuation of those gifts and all of our blessings.
We ask this in Your Name.

So, back to the blog. Today was a pretty decent day; better than I thought it would be anyway. I woke up, though it was difficult, and was thinking how I really did not want to go to school today and that I wish it was summer. Could I finally be getting Senioritis?? I hope not. So I mustered up the courage to sit up and get into the shower. From there it was actually pretty easy. I purposely set my alarm for 7:30 a.m. because I leave at 8 and if I feel like I'm in a rush, I wake up easier. Thirty minutes is plenty of time for me to shower, get dressed, and head out of the house anyway. So, I arrived at school at the usual 8:20 a.m.

In first block, all we really did was read over a test review that we completed the day before and made sure we understood everything for the test we have tomorrow. I do not think it will be difficult at all; there are not many concepts to know and the math portion is easy for anyone who can do basic multiplication. We also have to start a lab tomorrow after the test; which means I will have to wear long pants and shoes. Since it will be hot tomorrow, I will just bring in pajama pants and Sanuks and put them on over my shorts so I will not have to die of heatstroke later in the day.

In second block, as usual, we sat and talked about "economics" which is code for "whatever Coach Bench has in his head at that very moment (sometimes the topics are not pleasant). We sat and I made a list of the top three items I wanted to buy before or during the summer; Ray Bans aviators, a new watch, and a longboard. Eventually, he made us answer the review questions at the end of the section because the whole right side of the room talks constantly. After I finished the review, I sat and waited for the time of my liberation, 11:50.

After school, I went back home, at a ginormous sub sandwich, and got creative and made a poster out of poker chips and cards. The cards were arranged in a Black Jack formation, a Royal Flush, and Four of a Kind and surrouned them with poker chips and the backdrop was a green suede board and it looked just like a poker board... if that is not creative, what is? After my moment or artistic genious (haha), I helped Chase wash, vacuum, and wax his car. After that we watched The Office for a little bit and then went to Wal-Mart because I needed a new trash can for my room. When I got home, I decorated the trash can with bumper stickers; I guess I'm a sticker junky. It has a big YoungLife sticker on the front, under that is a Billabong logo, on the right side is a WyldLife sticker, and on the left side is a NewSpring sticker. Just say it... I'm a dork! (Proud of it!)

I am now sitting at this computer at Chase's house and blogging. It feels great to blog before 10 p.m. because it was that late last night and I was so tired. I have to study for the chemistry test when I get home. BOO!!

I hope I have a great day at school tomorrow and I hope I do well on my test. I think after school, I'm going to come back to Chase's house and eat his dad's barbecue burgers and spicy Italian sausage; Yum!

By the way, I changed the title of my blog. I thought it was pretty deep and it sounded cool. Hope you guys like it!

Take it easy my friends!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Not much to say tonight.

Sorry guys, not much to say tonight.. I'm really tired.

Today was a pretty good day. I aced my economics test, as planned. I had lunch with a good friend at Schlotzsky's and it was pretty darn good. I decided to get creative today after school and so I made a poster of a collage of all of my playing cards and I must say, it looks great. I had WyldLife tonight and it was a lot of fun, as usual.

At WyldLife, I had to put peanut butter on my face and the kids had to put goldfish on and make things like sunglasses and mustaches out of those goldfish. As is normal with junior high kids, I got all of the peanut butter in my hair and in my eyes but I will do anything for the kids. After that, I had to do a skit with bubble gum. First, I walked onto the stage while singing "A Thousand Miles" by Vanessa Carlton in a very girly voice.. Then I stopped, looked around, and put my bubble gum on the light post. Under the light post was a trashcan and a sign that read "Do not litter". The next leader came up and tied their shoe and then put their hand on the gum accidentally. They wiped it on the ground and walked off. The third leader walked by and stepped on the gum and took it off and put it in the trash can. Then Mark, the head of WyldLife, came and threw his cup away and then when he did, he got the gum on his hand and then wiped it back onto the lightpost. To finish, I walked back on stage; this time, singing "No One" in a girly voice. I saw my gum and said "Hey, it's my gum!" and I put it back into my mouth and walked off.

Yes, every WyldLife is this dirty and disgusting but I love it. After WyldLife I came home and now I am typing up this very short blog. Before I leave, I want to point out how I really miss seeing my very close friend everyday. I used to see her after 2nd block, after I sign out. We used to always talk for a minute and then she would go on to Biology and I would head home. Because it is a new quarter, I cannot see her anymore. I have not seen her since April 5th and I really want to see her and hang out with her soon.

That's all I have for you tonight!

Sweet dreams, guys (and girls)!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 2...

Tuesday November 20, 2009

Today was a pretty good day.  I woke up via text; not my alarm clock, as planned.  I got dressed, headed out the door, got in the car, rode to school, arrived at school, went to first block, started a different chapter in chemistry, realized that it was easy, went to advisory, left advisory with the same mindset as always... advisory is pointless, walked to economics, economics is still a joke but it is not Coach Bench's fault, it is not a difficult subject to begin with... according to our amazing and trustworthy president Barack Obama, the economy is crappy and we need CHANGE and all it takes is a Stimulus Plan (yes, sarcasm).  After class I signed out, left school, came home, cleaned my room, made macaroni, cleaned some more, did laundry, and then sat down at this computer and began day two.

I felt like summarizing my day with several terse points.  As I am writing this, Bryson is looking with amazement at the back of his spoon and wondering how the heck his reflection is upside down.  It's a funny thing... sometimes we look at reflections in the mirror and even though there is nothing wrong with our appearance, we still find flaws and wonder why we look like we do.  To all of the people, other than me, that wonder this, I say to you "That, my friends is the miracle of God, to make everyone look so different from one another but are so alike."  I do have more things to talk about other than my "eventful" day. 

For example:

Tomorrow... I only have to make it through two classes with a "test" in second block; if you can even call it that.  Once I make it through that, I'll head to lunch with a good friend of mine.  I have not seen or hung out with him in a while and I'm excited to get to sit down, eat some comida deliciosa and talk about life.  After he and I part, I will head back home.  I will probably try to take a nap, and ATTEMPT to do my homework; if I have homework, that is.  I will do that until about 6:00 p.m. and then I'll go to the highlight of my Tuesdays, WyldLife.  

WyldLife gives me a chance to spend some time with some of the coolest junior high kids en la planeta.  I have to do some very bold things for those guys (and girls) and I hope they appreciate them.  I will not reveal what I will be doing.  So, if you care enough, you can check back tomorrow night for the recap.  ANYWAYS back to WyldLife, those kids make the night so much fun.  They have so much energy and after an hour and a half of chasing them around and preventing them from "purpling", I will get very tired (as I always do).  I cannot say it is annoying to chase them around because... well, it is a lot of fun.  I will be exhausted from the day and have a good night's sleep tomorrow night.  

I also want to express my thoughts of college.  I will be honest, I am disappointed that The College of Charleston lost my application because I really love Charleston, as you might have read in last night's blog.  I would love to be there for my college career because it is such a fun place and it never gets old.  I am also disappointed that South Carolina is full for the fall semester.  I will get over it, however.  I will be going to Coastal Carolina for at least a semester.  My parents are trying to convince me to stay a full year but I do not want to... but I may have to.  I simply cannot wait to get to either CofC or USC; if I follow through with this dream of journalism, it will be USC.  College will be an amazing experience for me and I will be able to become whomever I wish.  I am excited to be somewhere new and I know I will adapt no matter where I end up.  

That's all I have for you tonight.  Be back tomorrow night with another recap of the day and WyldLife!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Here's to a new beginning

April 19, 2009

This is a new beginning of my blog "career".  I haven't blogged in months and I am going to restart.

It is Sunday night and I have had a great Spring Break... I just wish it didn't have to end quite yet. I stayed in Florence the Thursday we got out for break and that night I just hung out with two of my very good friends, Chris Cantey and Drake Johnston.  The three of us had a great time, Chris and I listened to and recorded Drake while he played the piano.  I cannot seem to remember what I did Friday but on Saturday I babysat my nephew, Bryson.  On Sunday, I went to church at NewSpring and enjoyed the Easter service. After church I went home and had lunch with my family and I hid eggs for Bryson to find.  Monday and Tuesday were pretty uneventful but Wednesday was a great day.  

On Wednesday, I was able to go down to Charleston or "Chuck Town" as it has come to be known.  I left Florence around 10:30 a.m. with Chris and Drake.  We arrived around lunch time and we walked around for a while and then ate at Dunkin' Donuts because we were all "broke"; which is common for teenagers.  After lunch we walked downtown and then played frisbee at the Battery, where five female students from The College of Charleston were sitting next to Drake as he tried to gain some extra cash by playing the guitar.  Personally, I think they were watched Chris and I more than they did Drake but I'll never know.  

Drake is one gifted musician.  He is a great guitarist and is improving drastically everyday.  He also can play the piano, sing, and play just about any other instrument you put into his hands. Yes, he can play the guitar like a professional but I was (and still am) most impressed with his piano skills.  He has only been playing since last summer and he sounds like he has been playing for ten years.  I also enjoy listening to him sing.  He has a great sounding voice and it compliments his guitar and piano playing.  

After we were serenaded by Drake's music, we headed to the heart of downtown Charleston, Market Street.  On Market Street, we found a long "U" shaped stone bench and Chris and I told Drake to go to one side and start playing guitar and Chris and I sat on the other side so it would not look like we knew Drake.  Drake opened his guitar case and set up a "tip" can and started playing.  After two and a half hours of sitting and listening, Drake had made over thirty dollars in tips; thirty-four to be exact.  He collected generous tips from the locals and tourists alike, as well as attract another group of college girls.  They stayed for at least half the time.  

I had joked with Drake all day about how he was going to buy me dinner if he made money playing on the side of the market and sure enough, after make thirty-four dollars, he bought me dinner.  I was very grateful because again, I did not have anymore money.  We were accompanied by another good friend of mine whom I met on a mission trip in New Orleans. She lives in Charleston so I figured I would call her.  I introduced her to Chris and Drake and I think Chris might have a little crush on her but we won't get into that.  We drove home after dinner and that was Wednesday.

Thursday was another great day.  I went to Garden City Beach with some friends of mine.  Garden City was a whole lot of fun; besides the fact that it was very windy and chilly the whole time.  Despite the chill, on Friday, I mustered up the courage to ride jet skis around the channel that ran behind our beach house.  The water was cold but I barely go wet. My legs and feet got wet from spray but that was tolerable.  I did that for the entire day and then left early Saturday morning so I could babysit my nephew all day.

Today has been an alright day.  I went to breakfast with my father at IHOP and I enjoyed it but I also felt guilty for not going to church when I could have easily chosen to attend.  I will admit I was just lazy.  I went to see State of Play with my father at noon.  I cleaned my room this afternoon and then hung out with Chris for a couple hours.  I had a WyldLife leader meeting tonight to discuss what we would be doing for "Club" on Tuesday night.  I got home and sat down at the computer and decided to blog.

I've decided to blog not only because I have not in a while, but also because of the movie State of Play.  It was about a newspaper reporter who was trying to uncover the facts about a congressman who was accused of having an affair with one of his staff members.  One thing led to another and as it turns out, he uncovered the truth and wrote about it.  While the movie was playing, I was thinking about how I could see myself as a reporter or a journalist.  I always have a lot to say and I enjoy putting my thoughts out onto paper, or in this case, the computer.  I have been inspired to go into journalism before; also from movies.  One movie was The Bourne Ultimatum.  It is not exactly a movie about uncovering the truth about corrupt congressmen but it did have a reporter in it and I admired his lifestyle.  The lifestyle of always being on the move trying to get more information about your assigned story.  

The other movie was Marley and Me.  The plot of the movie was about a reporter who became a columnist, writing about his life with his new dog.  Marley was his name and he was "the world's worst dog".  He was always getting into trouble and chewing up furniture but the family fell in love with him because he was great with the children.  The columns he wrote were funny and became an instant hit with the local readers.  I saw how the journalist in Marley and Me lived and I was impressed but again, I was most impressed by how he was always writing and doing what he loved.  

I am currently a senior and will be attending Coastal Carolina University next fall.  Coastal Carolina is not exactly a school for aspiring journalists but I was thinking about transferring after the first semester anyway so I figured I would transfer to the University of South Carolina and change my major to Journalism and Mass Communications.  As of right now, I think I am going to do that.  I am currently signed up for Management at Coastal but I do not know if that is for me anymore.  I originally wanted to major in Business and minor in Religious Studies at the University of South Carolina or even the College of Charleston.  I have wanted to be a youth minister for a couple years and that is where the Religious Studies idea came from but you don't need that major, let alone minor, in order to be a leader.  I would still love to be a youth minister but I think I may want journalism more.  I could however, use the business as a minor in case the journalism does not work out.  

I will pray for guidance and enjoy the rest of high school in the mean time.  I also have to get through at least a semester at Coastal Carolina before I can set off on this "dream" of being a journalist.  I hope the few readers of this blog were not too bored reading this and I apologize if you were but I feel like it is necessary to start my blog "career".  

Wish me luck!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's been such a long time..

I haven't blogged in like 16 days!!

I'm just going to say what's on my mind...

I'm in one of those moods where you are about to chew your hand off because you've got nothing better to do and you're extremely bored. When I say bored... I mean BORED. Earlier, I blew up a balloon and drew the world map on it... well tried to. I watched little kid shows with Bryson and he kept shouting "Wow Wow Wubzy" monotonously. To top off the boredom, I had no food in the house... PEOPLE EAT WHEN THEY'RE BORED... so that made it even more boring!

So last night, I learned how to play Free Fallin' on the guitar when I was at Bobby's house. We listened to Drake and Jonathan's new CD and tried to imagine ourselves being that good. This morning was good too. I woke up early, but I was well-rested because the bed's in the Browning household are heavenly, and then saw Martha for a little bit... which was fun.

I'm currently trying to watch The Office and blog at the same time... it's not working out so well. I get into the blog and I miss important parts to the show. NOT COOL. But that's all I really have to say tonight... unless I think of something later.

Goodnight, all!