Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 2...

Tuesday November 20, 2009

Today was a pretty good day.  I woke up via text; not my alarm clock, as planned.  I got dressed, headed out the door, got in the car, rode to school, arrived at school, went to first block, started a different chapter in chemistry, realized that it was easy, went to advisory, left advisory with the same mindset as always... advisory is pointless, walked to economics, economics is still a joke but it is not Coach Bench's fault, it is not a difficult subject to begin with... according to our amazing and trustworthy president Barack Obama, the economy is crappy and we need CHANGE and all it takes is a Stimulus Plan (yes, sarcasm).  After class I signed out, left school, came home, cleaned my room, made macaroni, cleaned some more, did laundry, and then sat down at this computer and began day two.

I felt like summarizing my day with several terse points.  As I am writing this, Bryson is looking with amazement at the back of his spoon and wondering how the heck his reflection is upside down.  It's a funny thing... sometimes we look at reflections in the mirror and even though there is nothing wrong with our appearance, we still find flaws and wonder why we look like we do.  To all of the people, other than me, that wonder this, I say to you "That, my friends is the miracle of God, to make everyone look so different from one another but are so alike."  I do have more things to talk about other than my "eventful" day. 

For example:

Tomorrow... I only have to make it through two classes with a "test" in second block; if you can even call it that.  Once I make it through that, I'll head to lunch with a good friend of mine.  I have not seen or hung out with him in a while and I'm excited to get to sit down, eat some comida deliciosa and talk about life.  After he and I part, I will head back home.  I will probably try to take a nap, and ATTEMPT to do my homework; if I have homework, that is.  I will do that until about 6:00 p.m. and then I'll go to the highlight of my Tuesdays, WyldLife.  

WyldLife gives me a chance to spend some time with some of the coolest junior high kids en la planeta.  I have to do some very bold things for those guys (and girls) and I hope they appreciate them.  I will not reveal what I will be doing.  So, if you care enough, you can check back tomorrow night for the recap.  ANYWAYS back to WyldLife, those kids make the night so much fun.  They have so much energy and after an hour and a half of chasing them around and preventing them from "purpling", I will get very tired (as I always do).  I cannot say it is annoying to chase them around because... well, it is a lot of fun.  I will be exhausted from the day and have a good night's sleep tomorrow night.  

I also want to express my thoughts of college.  I will be honest, I am disappointed that The College of Charleston lost my application because I really love Charleston, as you might have read in last night's blog.  I would love to be there for my college career because it is such a fun place and it never gets old.  I am also disappointed that South Carolina is full for the fall semester.  I will get over it, however.  I will be going to Coastal Carolina for at least a semester.  My parents are trying to convince me to stay a full year but I do not want to... but I may have to.  I simply cannot wait to get to either CofC or USC; if I follow through with this dream of journalism, it will be USC.  College will be an amazing experience for me and I will be able to become whomever I wish.  I am excited to be somewhere new and I know I will adapt no matter where I end up.  

That's all I have for you tonight.  Be back tomorrow night with another recap of the day and WyldLife!


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