Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Howdy guys

Wednesday April 22, 2009

Hey guys, I would like to do something differently tonight. I am thinking about opening every blog with a prayer. I know it is unusual but hey, it's a prayer. People should pray more!

Heavenly Father, thank You for all You have given us. Thanks so much for our families, friends, pets, a chance to be educated, and for giving us the chance to live. After all You have given us, we still continue to ask You to bless us and You have already provided us with everything we will every need; we cannot ask for more. We just pray for the continuation of those gifts and all of our blessings.
We ask this in Your Name.

So, back to the blog. Today was a pretty decent day; better than I thought it would be anyway. I woke up, though it was difficult, and was thinking how I really did not want to go to school today and that I wish it was summer. Could I finally be getting Senioritis?? I hope not. So I mustered up the courage to sit up and get into the shower. From there it was actually pretty easy. I purposely set my alarm for 7:30 a.m. because I leave at 8 and if I feel like I'm in a rush, I wake up easier. Thirty minutes is plenty of time for me to shower, get dressed, and head out of the house anyway. So, I arrived at school at the usual 8:20 a.m.

In first block, all we really did was read over a test review that we completed the day before and made sure we understood everything for the test we have tomorrow. I do not think it will be difficult at all; there are not many concepts to know and the math portion is easy for anyone who can do basic multiplication. We also have to start a lab tomorrow after the test; which means I will have to wear long pants and shoes. Since it will be hot tomorrow, I will just bring in pajama pants and Sanuks and put them on over my shorts so I will not have to die of heatstroke later in the day.

In second block, as usual, we sat and talked about "economics" which is code for "whatever Coach Bench has in his head at that very moment (sometimes the topics are not pleasant). We sat and I made a list of the top three items I wanted to buy before or during the summer; Ray Bans aviators, a new watch, and a longboard. Eventually, he made us answer the review questions at the end of the section because the whole right side of the room talks constantly. After I finished the review, I sat and waited for the time of my liberation, 11:50.

After school, I went back home, at a ginormous sub sandwich, and got creative and made a poster out of poker chips and cards. The cards were arranged in a Black Jack formation, a Royal Flush, and Four of a Kind and surrouned them with poker chips and the backdrop was a green suede board and it looked just like a poker board... if that is not creative, what is? After my moment or artistic genious (haha), I helped Chase wash, vacuum, and wax his car. After that we watched The Office for a little bit and then went to Wal-Mart because I needed a new trash can for my room. When I got home, I decorated the trash can with bumper stickers; I guess I'm a sticker junky. It has a big YoungLife sticker on the front, under that is a Billabong logo, on the right side is a WyldLife sticker, and on the left side is a NewSpring sticker. Just say it... I'm a dork! (Proud of it!)

I am now sitting at this computer at Chase's house and blogging. It feels great to blog before 10 p.m. because it was that late last night and I was so tired. I have to study for the chemistry test when I get home. BOO!!

I hope I have a great day at school tomorrow and I hope I do well on my test. I think after school, I'm going to come back to Chase's house and eat his dad's barbecue burgers and spicy Italian sausage; Yum!

By the way, I changed the title of my blog. I thought it was pretty deep and it sounded cool. Hope you guys like it!

Take it easy my friends!

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